Elven NFT: A New Frontier in Fantasy Art and Digital Collectibles

Elven NFT is a project that creates a unique collection of high-quality digital art pieces featuring Elven characters and landscapes.

Zealy logo and Elven logo

By Brenda C.

Welcome to the Zealy blog! In this interview, our guest Steve Bambury will drive us through the world of Elven NFTs, its community-building efforts, and the vision for the future of NFTs and the Web3 ecosystem.

Tell us about your Project

Elven NFT is a project that aims to create a collection of highly-detailed and unique digital art pieces featuring Elven characters, creatures, and landscapes.

The team behind the project is working hard to ensure that each NFT is of the highest quality, with intricate details and stunning visuals that will appeal to collectors and art enthusiasts alike.

These NFTs will be available for purchase on various marketplaces and will offer a new and exciting way for fans of fantasy art to own their very own piece of the Elven world.

Tell us about yourself as CM/Project Lead

I have been managing the Elven NFT project for Yasmeen, a 13-year-old artist, since its launch in 2021. Before that, I managed her sold-out 1/1 collection NFTeacups.

As the Project Lead, I oversee the entire community, including all activities and partnerships. Although we are a small-cap project with a small but authentic community, we punch above our weight.

Before my work with Elven NFT, I was mostly known for my work with XR/Metaverse.

I have been hosting events inside VR since 2017, hosted the first global lesson in the Metaverse in 2018 (alongside the co-founder of Pixar), and am on the judging panel for the World VR Awards. I also keynoted the G20 Summit in Riyadh in 2019 on VR and have written for Forbes.

Why do you like using Zealy?

The UX is so slick! For me, this is the most important factor because it doesn't feel laborious to engage.

As a long-time educator, I also appreciate that it personalizes pathways, allowing people to choose their own goals and routes to level up.

What’s your Quest strategy like - and your absolute favourite Quest?

TBH, we're very new, but we have organized the board into mostly time-related sections, as many communities do (sprints, dailies, weeklies, etc.). We also have Collector's Quests linked to token-gated roles in Discord.

One thing I really like is how it allows us to sew multiple platforms together. For example, you can visit our Mirror articles and our Spatial gallery.

My favourite Quest so far was one where they had to find a hidden object in our Spatial gallery and screenshot it. We've done "metaverse treasure hunts" in there before, so it was nice to link it to this platform this time!

Elven on Zealy
Elven on Zealy

What Rewards do you currently offer your community?

We're about 48 hours in and still iterating to some degree.

We have a limited edition mint coming up next month and have announced that whoever is at the top of the leaderboard by the end of March will receive three airdrops from this collection.

For over 18 months, we have been hosting weekly giveaways and challenges in Discord. I am eager to integrate access to these into Zealy, for example, by requiring a minimum level of lv3 to access this week's giveaway or completing a specific Quest to earn a new server role that allows entry to a token-gated raffle.

LOL - crystal ball time?🔮

It's hard to predict! 2022 was supposed to be the year when Music NFTs exploded, right? But it never happened. I would like to think that people will move away from the daily churn/flip mentality since so much liquidity is wasted on these 2-week rug projects that are often knocked out by the same teams.

I do think that L2s will rise quickly at some point. The masses will not want to deal with the Mainnet gas fees that we tend to see as a necessary evil.

What other Web3 projects are you also super excited about right now?

The Alien Boy is my home base, and I'm always excited about what they're working on. I really like what Alpha Sharks have done with the Magically platform, and I'm also interested to see what Amazon does with their marketplace.

Zoo DAO is another project to watch; we partnered with them over a year ago, and they're close to launching now.

Where else can people find your project on social and Zealy?

Thanks for having me! Here's our Twitter and our community on Zealy!

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