Building Stronger DAOs and Communities with Zealy: Insights from Taki Soul of Dean's List
A Service DAO for Web3 power users providing feedback sessions.

DeansList is a Service DAO for Web3 formed by a group of Web3 experts, some of the best power users on Solana that joined together & formed a true DAO which provides valuable feedback to all types of projects.
We spoke with Taki Soul from Dean's List, to learn more about this project and his vision for the Web3 space.
Can you tell us more about your role?
I am involved in operations, CM and Marketing. I have been full-time in Web3 for almost 3 years now.
I love coordinating and being part of cool communities, also I love everything about DAOs!
What inspired you to create Dean's List?
We wanted to create a Service DAO for Web3 power users providing feedback sessions. The idea of Dean's List was born out of a desire to provide valuable feedback to all types of projects.
We wanted to create a community where a
Anyone can work with us and earn, and anyone can hire us and receive deep-dive feedback reports, reviews on our website, video AMAs, and SEO services.
Why do you like using Zealy?
I love the new approach of onboarding new users, the gamification of Quests & ways to "level up"/ get more involved in a community.
I truly believe that Zealy can be a pivotal tool for building great DAOs & communities, because, if used in the right way, it can change the way a community's/DAO's DNA consists in early stages, thus setting a foundation for great things from the very beginning of a group of people coming together.

What’s your Quest strategy like - and your absolute favourite Quest?
Our Quest strategy involves building a board consisting of meaningful and NOT spam/airdrop hunter friendly; the more you proceed, the less being an airdrop hunter benefits you.
The crucial aspect here is to build enough traction and make people understand why it is important to put in something more than the super low effort they are used to doing in Web3.
My absolute favourite Quest is the "DeansList AMA Quest."
What Rewards do you currently offer your community?
The rewards we offer are a progressively better proportion of allocation in our upcoming airdrop of a new social token.
What trends do you see in Web3? What are your predictions for what’s coming up next?
I believe what's coming next is a better group of projects/requirements that ask people to not only airdrop hunters doing meaningless, spammy tasks to receive a reward.
What other Web3 projects are you also super excited about right now?
I am also super excited about NounsDAO, Solflare, and many others.
Anything else you’d like to tell the world?
There is no shortage of jobs/work in Web3. You need to be willing to work smart & put maximum effort into whatever you do.
Thanks for sitting with us today, Taki! Please tell us where else people can find your project
Thank you, guys! You can find Dean's List on Twitter and Zealy!