DeltaFlare: Revolutionizing Play-to-Earn Gaming with NFTs and Tokens
DeltaFlare, the complete WEB3 package, tying together NFTs, Blockchain gaming and Cryptocurrency under a single community driven, safe and secure project.

Welcome to the Zealy Blog! We're thrilled to have you here for this interview. Today we have the all-in-one Community Manager, Financial Officer and Security Officer from DeltaFlare!
Let's dive into the project, the insights about their community and the rewards they are currently using for their strategy:
Tell us about your Project
DeltaFlare is entering the Web3 space with a new outlook on gaming. We are tired of boring P2E games, and our community is looking for something more fun.
We want to introduce Play and Earn gaming, and we want our players to enjoy the game, play our co-op mode with their friends, hack and slash through the baddies, and then, also, earn NFTs and Tokens.

We have launched 6 NFT collections to date, and 4 of them are sold out. The first in 24 hours. The second in 18 minutes. Each NFT is your playable character in the game. All the Gold and Silver tiered NFTs can be staked to earn a $HONR token.
Tell us about your role
I am the current Community Manager, Financial Officer and Security officer. All the Devs at DeltaFlare wear multiple hats, and we work together well.
I talked our artist, Jon, into launching this project because I thought it would be fun, and he had some skills on the NFT creation side of the house, so we brought on the 3rd Dev, Josh, and hit the Twitter spaces to tell everyone that we were going live.
I am on full-time duty in the Army and a full-time student at Arizona State University. I have been in the Army for 14 years, and this May I will be earning a commission into the Medical Corps (a big change from the satellite communications and communications security I have been doing).
I completed my BA-Homeland Security a few years ago, and now I am wrapping up my MPA-Emergency Management pretty soon.
When I am not doing homework or work, I'm on Discord, Twitter, and Zealy hanging out with our community. I also make time to hit the gym for an hour or two each day, go for runs, and hike from time to time on the desert trails here in Arizona. But at the end of the day, I always wrap things up in Discord because our community is just that awesome!
It was always and always will be about the fun, education, and experience of the community for me.
Why do you like using Zealy?
Zealy rocks! A while ago, I paid for a platform from another company that wishes it could have been Zealy.
As soon as I found you guys, I dropped the other platform I paid for, and we are here exclusively now. Our #NautyFrens at DeltaFlare love to do what we call Space Races. We have quizzes, 10-15 Quests long, that challenge their knowledge and let them race to earn XP (as well as our in-house $WINR tokens).

The Space Races range from fun to educational. The $WINR token earned by community members can be cashed out for prizes (ranging from a coffee mug to a discord role to an Oculus headset). We can increase engagement on Twitter by creating blank canvases of our NFTs and game characters. Then we let the Twitter community vote on who won the $WINR.
What’s your Quest strategy like - and your absolute favourite Quest?!
As I mentioned before, Space Races are my personal favourite. They can take a while to build, but they are worth it. Right now we have one about the history of DeltaFlare that is kind of like a wild goose chase. We also have an educational one about learning the ins and outs of Etherscan.
I want to expand on the educational Space Races so that our community members venture out into the Web3 space and engage more safely.

A few new races are starting soon, so we encourage the readers to join our Zealy to find out what those are.
That sounds great! What Rewards do you currently offer your community?
We currently have $HONR token staking. That has 3 pools that we generated with BrewLabs, and it allows holders of the token to earn more tokens.
We have the NFT staking pushed live for our Gold and Silver tiered NFTs, and those are also earning $HONR tokens.
We also have the $WINR tokens, which we use for community prizes during Discord Rumble Night or Trivia Night. Those are ERC-1155 tokens that we send out to the winners. They can collect them for as long as they want, put them up for sale at OpenSea, trade NFT characters or cash them in for the prizes mentioned before.
We love to give back to those making a difference in the community and would love to see everyone come and join us. Even if you only stop by to check it out 😉

Why is your community the best?
Our community is strong. We are small, but we know each other. I have personally met with some of them for an NFT convention in San Diego. A lot of them have my phone number.
As Devs, we do not hide behind anonymity (even though my hand is ANONMUS everywhere).
What trends are you seeing in Web3? What are your predictions for what’s coming up next?
Web3 is in its infancy! We have not even begun to get started. Crypto is still trying to catch on, and more people are discovering it daily.
This entire generation that is coming up now will live in the Web3 space so building now is just a way to prepare for what is to come.
What other Web3 projects are you also super excited about right now?
Personally, my life revolves around DeltaFlare. We have started to reach out for partnerships to include in our game and expansions. So far, we are a big fan of Dogliens, and you might catch a glimpse of that in our upcoming game demo. The Dev, Simon, is a great guy, and we are super excited to see where his project goes. He is constantly trying to make it better, and that's the type of people we look for in the space.
Anything else you’d like to tell the world?
If you are looking for an awesome community that will welcome you and help you grow, that is us.
We would love to see everyone coming through our Discord and let us know if you saw this article! Then ask a few questions and let the community give you the tour.
Thanks for sitting with us today! Where else can people find DeltaFlare?
Thanks for having me! You can find us on Twitter and Zealy!