UpTop Search: Connecting Job Seekers with Opportunities in Web3

UpTop Search is a community that connects individuals seeking job opportunities within the Web3 industry.

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If you're interested in learning more about community building in the Web3 industry and UpTop Search's mission to connect job seekers with opportunities within this space, then keep reading! In this interview, Ozier Khan shares valuable insights on using Zealy, their community-building strategies, and trends to look out for in the near future.

Tell us about your Web3 Project

UpTop is essentially a community where folks in Web3 can find opportunities to get hired in the space. We are not a job board community but we handhold our clients and candidates through the hiring process. We introduce and evaluate our candidates to our clients who are looking to hire in specific areas. Our mission is to build the workforce at the intersection of Web3 and digital assets.

Tell us about yourself as CM/Project Lead

I am a CM in UpTop and have been helping them build out the community and community initiatives. One of the ways I started doing this was by implementing Zealy and different tasks that would help spread the word about UpTop's community.

Why do you like using Zealy?

It's an easy-to-use and user-friendly platform. Even people from Web2 find it easy to use.

What’s your Quest strategy like - and your absolute favourite Quest?

I usually have people onboard the community by introducing themselves first. If you don't do this, you won't have full access to the community discord. As for my favourite Quest, I'm excited about the upcoming Quest where we will be offering a rare NFT as a reward!

UpTop Search Questboard sample on Zealy
UpTop on Zealy

What Rewards do you currently offer your community?

We are currently working on a reward system that will partly include NFTs as members and also USDC.

A lot of CRM platforms are coming up in Web3, especially in 2022. Not sure what's to come in 2023, but with ChatGPT on the rise, I wouldn't be surprised if we see more 'intelligent' Discord bots coming our way.

What other Web3 projects are you also super excited about right now?

I've become less associated with DeFi and NFT projects as of late, but I have been on a path that is more towards education and helping others in the Web3 space.

Anything else you’d like to tell the world?

We're a friendly bunch, and we'd love to have anyone join our community!

Where else can people find your project on social and Zealy?

Join our community on Discord and start participating in our Zealy!  

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