NFEX Marketing Director Viva H Talks About Building the First NFT Derivatives DEX

NFEX is a decentralized derivatives exchange that offers perpetual swaps trading across popular blue chip NFTs.

Zealy logo and NFEX logo

Welcome to the Zealy Blog! Today we are sitting with Viva H, the marketing director at NFEX, who will give us some insights about the project and their experience with Zealy:

Can you tell us a bit about NFEX?

NFEX expands limitations and boosts liquidity compared to traditional NFT marketplaces, offering leverage and long/short trading capabilities.

Users can take positions in NFTs at low entry costs, speculating on the future prices in either direction or short NFTs without any holdings. With secure, professional, and user-friendly products and services, NFEX opens up a variety of trading strategies for NFT traders, including hedging, speculation, and arbitrage.

Our mission is to build the best NFT derivatives trading platform around the world.

Tell us about your role

I am the marketing director at NFEX and joined the team after its establishment. Before that, I was a Senior Marketing Manager at Huobi.

What inspired you to join NFEX?

I really like finance, DeFi and NFTFi, and I wanted to explore something different and meaningful with this project.

That's why I joined NFEX and now am into Zealy to build a better community.

What do you like about using Zealy?

I really like the functions that the website provides. It's working as a helpful marketing tool for community growth and engagement. In addition, the Zealy community is significant because it shares useful experiences on topics like social media management and operation. A great hub for growth and community for guys like me. That's why you are so great.

Can you tell us about your Quest strategy and your favourite Quest?

I start following community Quests, then use content creation ones, for example, articles, videos, and meme creations. I think I will add more, like quizzes and learning Quests.

NFX on Zealy
NFX on Zealy

My favourite is the Discord roles Quest. At this early stage of the NFT space, granting roles with some potential benefits can seize attention and generate engagement.

What Rewards do you currently offer your community?

Discord roles are much better because they can really seize attention and generate engagement. We will try other rewards in the future.

NFT is becoming more and more popular. But the liquidity issue in the NFT market prevents it from mass adoption. NFTfi projects can help solve such problems. As an NFT derivatives DEX, NFEX lowers the entry costs for buying NFTs for profits, and we allow short selling. This can attract more Users into the NFT space.

Where else can people find your project on social and Zealy?

You can find us on Discord, and we encourage everyone to join us on Zealy.

Anything else you’d like to tell the world?

You can learn more about NFEX here.