Kryptview - the first community-driven crypto-scoring app

Kryptview is the first community-driven crypto-scoring app. By introducing Research-to-Earn, Kryptview addresses one of the biggest challenges in the crypto space nowadays: overcoming the fragmentation and lack of transparency of information on tokens.

Zealy logo and Kryptview logo

Interested in discovering more of the hottest Projects in Web3 right now and the people behind them? Then don't miss our interview with Selin Anil, Community Manager of Kryptview

Selin, welcome to the Zealy blog, tell us about your Web3 Project

The Kryptview platform enables anybody to score tokens thanks to a professionally-inspired tool, and make the community consensus clear, structured and available to anyone! Contributors are guided through a professionally-inspired tool to conduct fundamental scorings. The generated analysis needs to be validated by other platform Users before publication. Good contributions are rewarded, and the gamification & peer-reviewing systems ensure the quality of the published data.

We are a one-stop shop allowing people to score crypto projects, monitor their portfolios, and share their analysis with the community while being rewarded. We are the only crypto-scoring platform that curates the community consensus on tokens. After structuring this data in a comprehensive way, we make it available to anyone, so crypto Users have all the information they need to make data-driven decisions.

Explaining the Kryptview Product

Why do you like using Zealy?

Zealy has drastically improved and simplified communication with my community. It's also greatly reduced pressure and stress since I am confident that with this tool, messages are conveyed in a much more efficient and user-friendly manner; both on the emitter's and the receiver's sides.

It is a unique solution that helps my team get more social engagement from my community and offers them more fun and diversified ways to get to know and support the project. This way, I can also infuse the identity of the project in the construction of the tasks/Quests.

On the User's side, it gives clear and gamified instructions that are easy to follow, and that don't get lost like on an announcement channel on Discord. If they do want to support the project, they know how they can and they are always happy to do it.

Of course, they also get rewarded by the gamification and the rewards we have at the end. For instance, I have an in-Discord shop system where people can spend their Zealy XP on items/airdrops/lottery tickets.

What's your Quest strategy - and your favourite Zealy Quest?

I like building Questlines, I think they are more fun and interactive than individual Quests. I always integrate my Quests within the current hot topic of the project - a new feature, development, or point on which we communicate at the moment.

The entrance of the Questline would usually be like + RT of the tweet related to that item/info, and then I can unfold Quests like quizzes, hunts, image-based Quests like 7 differences or crosswords, and of course Quests based on contributions on the platform. I thus use Zealy to boost scoring & reviewing tokens on the Kryptview platform and add a coating of social visibility to it by asking people to share on Twitter learnings from their activity.

Kryptview Questboard sample on Zealy
Kryptview on Zealy

What rewards do you currently offer your Web3 community?

At the shop - where people can spend their Zealy XP - we regularly have 10$ airdrops, lottery tickets for bigger airdrops or Kryptview T-shirts (we added those and probably will put more merch in soon because the community asked for them!)

But the shop is only a very minimal part of the community rewards we offer. Since our product is a Research-to-Earn, we have a great reward pool for platform contributions (total value of 16,500$ in 11 weeks): USDT airdrops every week for top contributors, final rewards such as additional USDT & ETH airdrops, iPhone 14, iPad, Oculus Quest 2, Ledgers... Just join the community on Discord and you'll have plenty of activities/involvements to choose from!

We are the best community because we learn together. We are a true mix of completely new crypto Users and several-year-long experienced ones. Everybody learns through the methodology of scoring on the platform, whatever their entry-level, and everybody learns from each other. We are a truly crypto-savvy & open-minded community that cares to do things well.

Tell us about yourself as a Web3 community manager

Because Kryptview is a token-scoring platform whose content is generated by the community, the role of the community is even more critical and central than in any other Web3 project. Thus, the role of CM is essential to create the right environment where readers and contributors to the platform meet, where resources are available for anybody to learn and improve their skills as an analyst, to be able to participate in the Research-to-Earn.

As a decentralized solution, the relationship of the User to the product is essential for fuelling the interest, keeping a proper pace of improvements and activities to sustain content production by the community, while involving the contributors in the future developments of the project is part of my daily job. That requires a lot of resourcefulness and adaptability since we all know people's attention span is limited, and the value of a product itself is not enough to create the glue for a solid community.

Management of the moderation team, with high expectations in terms of fitting the personality and the discourse to the identity of the product, is also part of the job. I particularly appreciate how challenging the task is, and how much creativity it requires. Coming up with new ideas, every day, is stressful - because everything feels always in a state of emergency in a start-up - but is also very fun and rewarding. I also love watching my team of moderators grow, learn and become more and more independent from my daily management. Each time I challenge them - individually or collectively, they are up to the task!

Kryptview talking about data points

It's no secret that the current bear market is gonna see the death of many many Web3 projects. And potentially it's for the good, in terms of keeping the strong Projects. But the space will definitely survive and thrive.

It will probably take many long years, but it will be constructed to last, in a much more healthy form than it exists currently. It is young and exciting, and that comes with great daily uncertainty one has to embrace. The only imperative, if you want to succeed, is to build with and for what comes next, and not what is now. That's what will make the difference between a project that survives the bear or not - not a guarantee, but for sure a prerequisite!

Anything else you'd like to tell the world?

We have our weekly community chats on Discord every Thursday at 4 pm UTC, it's the best way to meet the team and get up to speed with who we are... and make up your mind if you feel like sticking around to discover the crypto world with us.

Thanks for your time today Senil, where can people find out more about Kryptview online?

You can follow us on Twitter and don't forget to sign up to Kryptview on Zealy and join our community by taking some Quests.

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