Insights on NFT Trading and Community Building in Web3 Gaming with Timmi Pixel.

GameTradeMarket is a unique platform that blends social networking and trading to offer the best experience for NFT traders and web3 gamers.

Insights on NFT Trading and Community Building in Web3 Gaming with Timmi Pixel.

Welcome to the Zealy blog! Today we are sitting with Timmi Pixel, the Community and Partnership Manager at GameTradeMarket. Ready to find out about their platform for trading in-game NFTs? Let's go!

Can you tell us about your project?

GameTradeMarket is a unique platform for trading in-game NFTs. We are creating a hybrid of a social network and a trading platform so that every gamer can get the best experience from Web3 gaming.

GameTrade provides advanced communication functionality for the best trading experience.

Our project is the way we see trading happening in the metaverse future. All collections on the platform are tied to Web3 games.

Can you tell us about yourself as a CM?

As a community and partnership manager, I love Web3 and before GameTradeMarket, I was building my own projects in Web3.

I love working with people and especially with the Web3 community.

Why do you like using Zealy?

Zealy is one of the best ways to increase popularity with easy tasks for the community.

GameTrade on Zealy
GameTrade on Zealy

What’s your Quest strategy like, and your absolute favourite Quest?

We have Tournament Quests and we are making sprints with our gaming partners. And I think my favourite Quests are Meme tasks.

What Rewards do you currently offer your community?

We offer USDT, WL spots, NFTs of our partners, and gaming tokens as rewards to our community.

Why is your community the best?

Our community is dedicated to gaming, trading, and Web3. We have a passion for these topics, and our community reflects that.

The most powerful trend is communication with your community, not as with clients, but as with friends.

I think Web3 is the future.

What other Web3 projects are you also super excited about right now?

I'm excited about Fewcha and OpiPets.

Where else can people find your project?

You can find us on Twitter and join our Zealy quest board.

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