DEXYNTH: The First Decentralized Synthetics Trading Platform in BSC

DEXYNTH is the first decentralized synthetics trading platform in BSC, with plans to expand to multiple next-gen blockchains in the future.

Zealy logo and DEXYNTH logo

Welcome to the Zealy Blog! Today we are sitting with Yohei Goto, from the DEXYNTH project.

In this interview, we'll discuss Yohei's favourite Quest strategy and current community rewards, as well as trends in Web3 and other exciting projects in the space.

Tell us about your Project

DEXYNTH is the first decentralized synthetics trading platform in BSC and will be expanding to multiple next-gen blockchains soon.

It will allow the trading of synthetic assets like forex, commodities, stock, Indexes and basically, anything that can be pulled from the real world (crypto as well, but it's not a USP) only with your Web3 wallet.  

We plan to add more exotic trading possibilities like NFT floors and mixed pairs. We do not hedge positions: we use a BUSD vault that acts as a counterparty for all the trades. The native token for DEXYNTH is $DEXY.

At launch, we will have 50+ crypto pairs, 20+ forex pairs, 30+ stocks, indexes, commodities pairs, and some NFTs floors.

Tell us about your role

I'm organizing/planning the marketing, especially for the pre-launch promotion.

We don't have paid employees, we all have other jobs but we gathered to help the project grow. In other words, we are all investors, which is our advantage to truly understand what we want as investors and as the project.

What we are building is truly innovative and even something still new to the Web3 space. It is very exciting to work with people from all over the world. (yes, our staff are in every part of the world with completely different backgrounds!) I think it can only happen in Web3 space.

Why do you like using Zealy?

We are using Zealy leaderboard to decide the winners for our pre-launch promotion airdrop campaign. But we will continue to use the same system after the main platform launch.

We are giving out community reward meme tokens which can be obtained by being active in the community, helping others, doing the Zealy tasks, etc. We will have a 2-week XP accumulation/distribution period. The meme token can be exchanged to give them free trading experience, burn to gain raffle tickets, burn to earn NFTs, etc.

Using Zealy tasks/leaderboard is the perfect choice in our use case since the leaderboard can be exported with the user names and their wallet addresses in one CSV file.

What’s your Quest strategy like - and your absolute favourite Quest?

It is crucial to gain exposure. So making people subscribe to our socials + referring tasks are a must. Also, it is a good way to add tweet-like, reply, and retweet tasks. And it can be done on the fly.

DEXYNTH on Zealy
DEXYNTH on Zealy

What Rewards do you currently offer your community?

We are amid our pre-launch promotion with cash and our native token airdrop. We will continue giving out our community reward meme tokens.

Join the community! Find DEXYNTH on Zealy.

Web3 space is still in a very early stage and it is still unknown territory to the general public. It is crucial to make web2 users, the general public, to be comfortable transitioning into Web3. Right now they are very separated.

For it to happen, technology has to be integrated into the base of our everyday life, for example in the supply chain, the voting system, etc. I believe blockchain technology has the power to do that. And I think it's a matter of time in my opinion.

What other Web3 projects are you also super excited about right now?

Supply chain management, voting system, and medical and educational management projects are very exciting.

Anything else you want to tell the world?


Where else can people find your project on social and Zealy?

Thanks for having me! Here's our Twitter and our community on Zealy!

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