Exploring Brickken's Platform for Tokenization and Active Investor Engagement

Brikken mission is to help asset owners around the world adopt a decentralized fundraising model utilizing blockchain-based technology, giving individuals and businesses the chance to generate passive revenue.

Zealy logo and Brickken logo

In this interview, we talk to Felix Tejland from Brickken, a blockchain-based platform that facilitates real estate investments through tokenization. Join us as we dive into the potential of tokenization, the challenges Brickken faces, and its community-building strategy!

Nice to have you today, Felix! Can you tell us about your Web3 project, Brickken?

Brickken is a protocol for tokenizing and managing assets. Our platform enables traditional businesses to tokenize assets and raise capital from retail investors, thereby gaining network effects from several holders.

We envision a future where the relationship between investors and companies is more active, similar to Web3 communities. Our platform offers features such as NFT reporting, on-chain voting, and engagement opportunities, allowing companies to decide the level of involvement with their community of investors.

What is your background, and how did you become interested in cryptocurrency?

I have a background in finance and accounting and developed an interest in cryptocurrency in 2019. I subsequently pursued an MBA in Blockchain Management and secured an internship at Brickken.

I am a member of a small marketing team and am thoroughly enjoying my role! The focus on financial inclusion at Brickken aligns with many of the core principles of Web3, and the potential for disruption in the accessibility of private equity and debt and the definition of investing is exciting. The prospect of working with a community of dedicated and passionate investors to add value to projects is incredibly fulfilling.

Why do you like using Zealy, and how has it helped Brickken?

Zealy has allowed Brickken to activate and engage our community in a structured and fun way. We had tried rewarded incentives but noticed quickly that the absence of a quality platform to manage them not only increased our workload but also led us to less engagement.

I imagined a platform like Zealy since entering my role. It was months later, around October 2022, when I found Zealy and knew it was exactly what I envisioned and the tool I needed: A good structure with a gamifying aspect that allows the community to chip in and contribute vitally to the success Brickken has seen so far.

Community participation is a big part of our value proposition and Zealy has enabled us to realize that goal: to be a good working example for future tokenizing clients exploring the space.

What is your Quest strategy like, and what is your absolute favourite Quest?

Mainly we have a 2-week Community Sprint. Each Sprint has a particular set of Objectives cohesive with what we want to achieve during that period. It could open a new social & maximize the reach, educate Community members, or provide content. Regardless, we balance every Sprint with a Quests variety, some more productive & some more engaging. So, I think our favourite Quest is the image submission because they support different custom tasks.

What is your Quest strategy like, and what is your absolute favourite Quest?

Mainly we have a 2-week Community Sprint. Each Sprint has a particular set of Objectives cohesive with what we want to achieve during that period.

It could open a new social & maximize the reach, educate Community members, or provide content. Regardless, we balance every Sprint with a Quest variety, some more productive & some more engaging. So, I think our favourite Quest is image submission because they support different custom tasks.

Brikken Questboard sample
Brickken on Zealy

What Rewards do you currently offer your community, and why do you believe they are the best?

We offer $BKN's (our native token) as rewards. We believe our community is highly motivated to contribute to any Quest proposed, and many members came from word-of-mouth. Our solution applies to everyone if they are communicated and educated. It's not only a shift in underlying tech but in a financial system, almost everyone interacts with on an ongoing basis.

Join the Brikken community here!

With the very optimistic forecasts of Blackrock CEO Larry Fink, the World Economic Forum, KMPG, Boston Consulting Group, and more, we believe that tokenization is the next big thing. Why? Because its value proposition is clear and easy to understand for non-Web3 native people. Tokenization as a means of fundraising is a future most relevant to Investors and companies looking for capital.

What other Web3 projects are you also super excited about right now?

There are many categories, such as NFTs, that have a future without any doubt whatsoever. But, what is most exciting is how the market will factor in new technology. The trial and error for different use cases make me interested daily in following the latest news. The same thing goes for Play-2-Earn Thank you for sharing all this valuable input with us.

Before we wrap up, is there anything else you would like to tell the world?

Yes, I would like to say that regardless of all the negativity, we have a very exciting future in front of us. The world is changing rapidly, and technology is advancing at an unprecedented pace. New and exciting projects appear every day meant to improve the human experience.

That's a great message! Where else can people find your project on social and Zealy?

You can find us on Twitter and our Zealy. Thank you again for having me!

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